“Dark Skies” Review
Writer/director Scott Stewart’s previous directorial efforts with Legion and Priest were sub-par to say the least. You can tell heRead More
I fear that Daniel Craig’s arc as the iconic James Bond has reached its height with 2012’s Skyfall. It’s not anRead More
What more can be said about the life of Steve Jobs? There are numerous documentaries and books divulging all hisRead More
Oh, how the movies of the yellow minions frustrate me so. While Despicable Me was decently cute, its sequel did littleRead More
Of the many Batman movies released in the 1990s, Batman Returns (1992) is by far the darkest. Needlessly dark, inRead More
2014 saw its fair share of Christspoiltation pictures from the likes of the fallacy-filled God’s Not Dead and the mushyRead More