“Jurassic World” Review
While sharing an elevator with a small boy and his dad, this kid ecstatically informed me about how he was goingRead More
While sharing an elevator with a small boy and his dad, this kid ecstatically informed me about how he was goingRead More
What exactly is the highest peak for disaster pictures? For what essentially amounts to a visual effects showpiece of massiveRead More
The Fast and the Furious franchise of movies are long past the era of street racing. It’s even past being called FastRead More
Skin Trade is rather unique in how it attempts to weave a real message about human trafficking into its low-rent action. It may notRead More
The only negative criticism I’ve heard for Mad Max: Fury Road was from one grumpy old man. After he leftRead More
The streets of Belfast in 1971 erupted into violence with Protestants and Catholics at each other’s throats. The British armyRead More